Friday, January 08, 2021

Now a word to the wise...

...from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. These are words I believe I was living by before they were said; to not provoke unnecessarily, to not incite or to manufacture outrage. There is neither excuse in it for atrocity, nor for provocation, because two wrongs never make a right.

"We will always defend freedom of expression, but freedom of expression is not without limits. We owe it to ourselves to act with respect for others and to seek not to arbitrarily or unnecessarily injure those with whom we are sharing a society and a planet. We do not have the right for example to shout fire in a movie theatre crowded with people, there are always limits. In a pluralist, diverse and respectful society like ours, we owe it to ourselves to be aware of the impact of our words, of our actions on others, particularly these communities and populations who still experience a great deal of discrimination."

In light of the recent events the world has witnessed which are the result of violent rhetoric, and distributing simplistic extreme political commentary, I would like to say... yes, you Classic Comics Forum... allowed an erstwhile Trump-supporter to post violent rhetoric about people being swine and animals, to be gutted and shot... some of your moderators 'liked' these posts. Yes you... moderator 'cheese thief' posted a blatant anti-PM of Canada rant about him being with terrorists, simply for advocating people choose their words more thoughtfully. Yes you 'white guardian'... right before Christmas, but a little after Trump began calling for supporters to come to Washington on January 6th, subjected me to a warning, who did nothing as egregious against your rules but posted the above words, who provably in fact tried other times to balance and calm potential 'situations', to be reasonable and adult and even apologize where I had not lived up to my own standards... you warned me to take a more "nuetral" tone then refused to explain what I wrote that would've brought this to be reported or be any kind of an issue.

Do you still pretend I was causing a problem but then say nobody complained? Can you say you hold yourselves to a high standard when you break your own rules? I will confess... I did write one thing political in my last few months there, in the lowest case of type, I did make one small reference about a former mayor of New York City, the one called by fools a 'hero' of an extremely horrible day, an election day there when he was not running because he was such an embarrassment as a human being. I did not name him, the intelligent and informed would know this could only mean one Mr. Giuliani. While so many real heroes lost their lives, he has, and maybe still has, the hubris to be referred to as 'the hero of 9/11'. The man made New Yorkers sick before that day, and now this past Wednesday morning, when it was Mr. Giuliani inciting a crowd of pro-Trump thugs and bullies, name-callers with plastic zip ties and hit lists, to storm the Capitol building in a "trail by combat". They who murdered a police officer doing his job there, like the police offers of NYC who were doing their jobs the day Rudy became a real 'hero'. If that small word to the wise was the real trigger for cautioning me I will now wear that with pride, and whoever, moderator or reporting member, who took umbrage has branded themselves forever a loser with it. Forgive me Classic Comics Forum for being absolutely bang on target with that infinitesimal slight to your Rudy? It was probably just because I have paid attention to the world around us, not covered my ears and hummed or set up long 'see no evil' ignore lists to wish loud mouths away. I have my own thoughts, and I almost always put a lot of thought into what I share from them, and I own them, I don't hide behind multiple 'screen names'. I have a weakness for only taking so much hypocrisy before calling it out; be it from a falsely glorified mayor or dudes  running a comic book chat. Excuse me for knowing that careless promotion of violence can precede the real thing? For finding tolerance of that repellent, not likable in the least?

Although I didn't vote for his Liberal party in the last two Canadian federal elections, Justin Trudeau is still my Prime Minister, and I would say more intelligent, more thoughtful, than the people who 'liked' one moderator's extreme and very political post about how he was with the terrorists based on the speech I quote above. In fact Mr. Trudeau was doing his job as a real leader does; defending a diverse and hopefully not so divided Canada, en Francais, and I stand behind everything he said even in translation. This so outraged a countryman, although no doubt manipulated by what we allow of slanted media in Canada? Someone who would later then take a role in banning the 2019 best new member and the 2020 friendliest member? Well, je ne c'est pas Charlie Hebdo! Because two wrongs do not make a right. I was not for George Bush Jr. when he demanded everyone was either with 'us' or with terrorists after 9/11 any more than for cartoonists deliberately being provocative and ugly; I was very much, very gladly, with Jean Chretien, Liberal PM then, who had the integrity and maturity to stand alone and kept us out of an Iraq invasion based on totally false WMD 'evidence' while other weak as water 'leaders' bent into moral pretzels by the will of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, and probably like weak willed Bush Jr. himself (unlike his father who resisted those exact same hawks who had never seen combat themselves in dealing with Iraq after the Kuwait invasion).

So long as that woman under any name is still protected and 'liked' there, with her vapid self-absorption and pro-violence stupidity, it's not a forum worth being on to talk about anything, even comic books. Not If the moderator who lectured me on my lack of "neutrality" is still warning others, or if the one who turned on his own Prime Minister and fellow Quebecer with misinformation of reactionary reductionist name-calling is still a moderator, nor if the one who 'liked' a gutted like swine post by the erstwhile female Trump defender can still hold his high standards up for admiration... I could only say, j'accuse. Keep the false "friendliness" for those who fall into line in fear of excommunication and look the other way at power-tripping hypocrites using intimidation. Sadly I've been made ashamed I was ever there. Almost as ashamed as when I started seeing extreme fascistic violent lunatics with huge guns and muscles take over comic books in the late '80s (and the Rambo pajamas for little boys and paraphernalia with the Confederate flags on it being hawked to southern U.S. teenagers) and stopped reading many comics at all. You could never make me half as sick as you have made yourselves however. These are horrible times for people who want a healthy and strong U.S.A., or non-rare multi variant cover fantasy comic books read by actual readers, not violent porn for utter losers pretending they are adults, nor pretend investment objects to be preserved for future profits. Even banned people can still read your post pages via Google caches by the way, and when I said I would not post again I meant it, all you've really done is axed the lines of private communication between me and others there. I wonder why? Well, maybe a message like this would be why. Perhaps your high standards couldn't begin to respond or explain?


timmitus said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I find visiting the "political" section of various sites just plain tiring.

Anonymous said...

The US have these endless wars because people only criticize wars started by Republicans, which is probably why Obama started five on his own, but fascism is paved with silent bricks.